Thursday, December 27, 2007

Just the five of us

Our first Christmas here at home - just us - was a huge success. Here are a few pictures to share from the much anticipated day.

Christmas Dinner 2007 - anglophiled

After asking Old Baldy Top what he had in mind for Christmas dinner this year, his reply was what the British have (basing this on his recollection of dinners British by Dickens). After a little research, I found what OBT wanted: a traditional steak and kidney pie. This being our main dish we paired it with other British sides and a few not-so-traditional making-our-own-tradition(al) sides.

Christmas Dinner 2007
steak and kidney pie
Brussel sprouts with chestnuts
mashed potatoes
cranberry sauce
Grandmutsy's dressing
tiny sausages wrapped in bacon
lashings of hot gravy
wheat rolls
sparkling grape juice
butterscotch pudding


A lifelong fascination for animals of the insect world led me to choose my name: Lepidoptera. The order of butterflies and moths. As a young girl and to this day, rearing caterpillars has always been a hobby of mine. My father has always loved nature and God's creation and his love for such things surely encouraged mine.

As for Sarah and Leora, they are the resident princesses in Foothills Valley. Their brother, for now, will be known as "The Little Prince" until such day that he shall make known another title.

Hello All

Hello, I am Old Baldy Top
I take my name as a derivative of one of the great Confederate Generals that fought in the Army of Northern Virginia, and led my Maple ancestors in many wild adventures in that awful but defining part of history known as the "War between the States" aka "The Civil War."

His name was Richard S. Ewell and his men nicknamed him "Old Baldy". Those of you who know me, know that I have a good size bald spot on the top back side of my head and hence the nickname for myself; "Old Baldy Top".
Glad to hear from all that are hear,
Happy Blogging, and bye for now from,
Old Baldy Top

Monday, December 24, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

Saturday in the kitchen in between baking delectable dishes:

Leora: When I grow up, I'm going to be as big as you.

Lepidoptera: That sounds great!

Leora: And then I'll be as big as you!

Yestereve while waiting on the young ladies to finish their bedtime preparations:

Old Baldy Top: God made your eyes. God made your nose. God made your mouth. Gopd made your arms and legs. God made you. Now, Little Prince, who made me?

The Little Prince: I made you!

Friday, December 21, 2007

'Tis the season

Christmas is coming; the goose is getting fat - I am so glad and thankful that we're done with school, and our Christmas break can finally start! We got a late start with school this year because of my radiation in late August, a trip to NC, and a trip to my parents' for Thanksgiving. We've got to get our schoolwork done sometime, right? That meant not much time off for Christmas since we'll be taking another trip for New Year's to the Smokies - one of our absolute favorite vacation destinations. Who am I kidding? All of our vacation destinations are always wonderful.

Now school is done. DH is running errands, and I am relieved. A few more things to get done before Christmas day, but school will not be one of them. Hurray! Hurray!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

To blog or not to blog...

I have succumbed. After debating for months on end, the pressure got to me. The end result. A blog. May it not be a complete time-waster but a way to connect with those who have connected with me and our family. A way of keeping in touch and keeping others updated on what is going on in our little neck-of-the-woods.